Anastasia Shlykova

A Proposal That’ll Actually get you Hired

If you’re on a journey to establish a lucrative secondary income or transition into a full-time freelancing career, Upwork is an invaluable resource—but securing a job requires mastering the art of proposal writing.

Among the various factors that job posters evaluate, the proposal, referred to as the ‘cover letter’ on Upwork, stands out as the decisive element. Let’s explore the intricacies of crafting an irresistible Upwork proposal that will set you apart from the competition and land you the gigs you desire.

Upwork Proposal icon, cover letter

Write Originality: Avoid Copy & Paste Proposal Pitfalls!

If you’re resorting to copy and paste proposals on Upwork, it’s time to hit the brakes. They don’t work and they stand out like a sore thumb. The temptation might be to save time by copying and pasting a one-size-fits-all proposal, but it’s a counterproductive strategy.

Instead, focus on crafting short, targeted, and personalized proposals. Quality over quantity is the key here. Clients can easily differentiate between a genuine, thoughtful response and a generic copy-paste job, and you’ll significantly improve your chances of landing the job with a more tailored approach.

What to Avoid When Writing a Proposal

Understanding what not to do is key to crafting a compelling proposal that stands out from the crowd. I used to write sub-par proposals myself, thinking that it would be easy to copy and paste and be generic, but this wasn’t landing me any work.

I realized quickly that I needed to be unique. By listing the common mistakes others make, you can gain a strategic advantage, ensuring your proposals shine amidst the competition.

A Poor Proposal

I am a well-rounded virtual assistant.

A responsible and dependable Customer Service Representative for 5 years, I had worked for telecommunications and retail accounts and obtained expertise in placing orders, service recovery for orders, billing, device troubleshooting and obtaining details of complaints. My experiences in a high-pressured environment have taught me attention to details, resilience, and flexibility in using different tools provided by the client. I am hard working, good listener, fast learner and adaptable to meet my employer’s timezone. I value my client’s trust and I commit myself to any job, taking full responsibility in completing projects on time.

My skills include:

  • Call Handling
  • Email Management
  • Calendar Management
  • Office Applications
  • Internet research
  • WordPress
  • Social Media Management (See portfolio items below)

I’m looking forward to helping you grow your business by sharing my experiences and expertise and learn more in the process

Upwork Proposal

To the untrained eye, this proposal may seem acceptable. It boasts a highly qualified applicant with years of experience. However, this proposal falls short. The structure follows a typical pattern: showcasing the applicant’s accomplishments, emphasizing their years of experience, and focusing on themselves.

Unfortunately, this approach lacks empathy for the client’s problem and fails to address the actual issue at hand. The client is primarily concerned with whether you can identify and solve their problem, not your past experiences or years in the field. A winning proposal should prioritize understanding and addressing the client’s pain points, demonstrating a genuine commitment to solving their challenges.

Your Ultimate Guide to Shine

After learning from countless rejections and refining my approach, I’ve crafted a foolproof structure.

Hello [Client’s Name],

I came across your project and was excited to see an opportunity to contribute my skills as a web designer to enhance and optimize your online presence. (If they explain what the job is, I’ll use this time to recap). I am able to start on your project immediately.

I am a WordPress Website Designer that specializes in customizing themes to tailor to unique brand identities. (If they have inspiration in their job description…) I reviewed your inspiration and here are some themes that I believe are great candidates for your presence.

  1. Theme link

Here is where I explain what the theme offers and how it fixes their problem. I will usually research 2-3 themes and write a customized plan under each for their review.

Then, I follow it up with a proposed approach:

If we collaborate on this project, here’s my proposed approach:

  1. Discovery Call: To better understand your vision, goals, and specific requirements, I’d love to schedule a brief discovery call with you. This will help us align on the design elements that resonate with your brand.
  2. Customized Design Plan: Based on our discussion, I will craft a customized design plan outlining the key features, layout, and visual elements tailored to enhance your brand identity and user experience.
  3. Iterative Feedback: Throughout the design process, I value your input. I will provide you with regular updates and iterations, ensuring the final product aligns seamlessly with your expectations.
  4. Responsive Design: In today’s digital landscape, responsiveness is key. I will ensure that your website looks great on desktops and provides an optimal viewing experience on various devices.
  5. Post-Launch Support: Beyond the launch, I am committed to providing ongoing support for any adjustments, updates, or additional features you may need.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to bring your vision to life. Do you have any questions or specific elements you’d like to discuss further?

Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Profile Link]

1. Recap Their Problem

In the initial greeting, I swiftly acknowledge the client’s needs with a friendly ‘Hello!’ Following this, I skillfully restate their core problem, mirroring their own language: ‘I came across your project and was excited to see an opportunity to contribute my skills as a web designer to enhance and optimize your online presence.’ Restating the client’s core problem in the proposal demonstrates a deep understanding of their needs, fosters a connection by using their own language, and assures them that you are focused on providing tailored solutions to address their specific challenges.

2. Offer Immediate Solutions

This proposal section is consistent, seldom requiring alteration. A straightforward declaration such as “I can assist you with that and am ready to start immediately” is important. The significance lies in acknowledging the client’s quest for a swift solution to their predicament. By assuring them of your readiness to help and your prompt initiation, you paint a vivid picture of an imminent solution.

3. Highlight That you are a Perfect Fit

Provide a brief yet compelling explanation of why you are the ideal fit for the job. Keep it concise, focusing on key skills and experiences that make you stand out and align with the client’s needs.

4. Outline the Step-by-Step Journey

In this part of the proposal, I tailor the length based on the level of detail required by the job posting. Whether it’s a concise two-sentence overview or a more detailed explanation spanning a couple of paragraphs, I aim to provide a glimpse into the step-by-step process I’ll guide them through.

It’s an opportunity to outline the path we’ll take together and set expectations for the journey ahead. If there are specific aspects of the proposal that require more elaboration, this section allows for a bit more depth. I share insights into the initial steps and convey a sense of the process we would embark upon collaboratively.

5. Attachments

In my proposals, I consistently include attachments of previous work samples or testimonials along with a link to my portfolio. This showcases my hands-on experience and proficiency in the field and reinforces the idea that I am well-versed in the tasks at hand. Providing tangible evidence of past accomplishments instills confidence in potential clients, assuring them that I possess the necessary skills, a proven track record, and a systematic approach that will streamline the process for their convenience.

The Perfect Proposal: Closing Remarks

I trust that these insights will enhance your success on Upwork and lead to winning more business. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, feel free to reach out. I’m here to answer each query and assist you in your freelancing journey!

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